
Introduction to Computer Methods


Text:   Introduction to  Programming Using VB 2010 8th Ed, Schneider, ISBN: 9780132128568
Strongly Recommended: Numerical Methods for Engineers, ANY EDITION, Chapra, ISBN: 9780073401065
Software:  MS Visual Basic 2010 Express:  Download      http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downloads/#2010-Visual-Basic






Lab Due
Th 8/26 Introduction (pdf) (ppt)
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Computers

Lab 1
Th 9/2
T 8/31 Computer Basics
(pdf) (ppt)
Chapter 2 - VB: Controls

Th 9/2 Program Planning
(pdf) (ppt)
Chapter 2 - VB: Events  HW - 1
T 9/14
Lab 2 Th 9/9
T 9/7 Projects (pdf) (ppt) Old Projects Project Areas
Th 9/9
Variables (pdf) (ppt) Chapter 3 - Variables
HW - 2
Th 9/16 Lab 3 Th 9/16
T 9/14 Input-Output (pdf) (ppt) Chapter 3 - I/O
Chapter 8 - pp. 366-368

Th 9/16 Selection (If) (pdf) (ppt) Chapter 4 - If Blocks
Chapter 4 - Select Case
HW - 3 Th 9/23 Lab 4


Th 9/23
T 9/21 Subs (pdf) (ppt) Chapter 5 - Subs

Th 9/23 Functions (pdf) (ppt) Chapter 5 - Functions
HW - 4 Th 9/30

Lab 5

Th 9/30
T 9/28 Loops (pdf)  (ppt)

Chapter 9 Sec. 9.4
Chapter 6 - Loops
Project Proposals
Th 9/30 Arrays (pdf) (ppt) Chapter 7 - Arrays

Lab 6 Th 10/7
T 10/5 Matrices (pdf) (ppt) Matrices Notes

Th 10/7 Review

Lab 7

Th 10/14
T 10/12 Exam 1

Th 10/14 Linear Equations (pdf) - Direct Methods Linear Equations Notes

Lab 8 Th 10/21
T 10/19 Linear Equations (pdf) - Indirect Methods
Error Notes
Project Proposals Due TODAY 

Th 10/21 Nonlinear Equations (1-pdf-Fixed Point)
Nonlinear Equations Notes

Lab 9
Th 10/28
T 10/26 Nonlinear Equations (Cont.)


Th 10/28 Curve Fitting - Regression
Regression Notes

Th 11/4
T 11/2 Curve Fitting (Cont.)          
Th 11/4 Integration (pdf) Integration Notes

T 11/9 Integration (Cont.)
Th 11/11

T 11/16 Review

Th 11/18 EXAM 2

T 11/23 Project Work

Th 11/25 Thanksgiving

T 11/30 Project Presentations:

Th 12/2
Project Presentations:

Projects Reports
DUE - 5:00 PM
email to (daene@aol.com)

McKinney | CE311K Civil Engineering | UT Austin