Constructing Potentiometric Maps

in Arcview

Michael Landrum

GIS in Water Resources Term Project, Spring '98



This report will present a procedure that I have developed to create potentiometric maps in Arcview. Arcview provides an easy-to-use interface that brings well data and other relevant features such as geology, rivers, roads, cities, ect. into a common display environment. In addition, the query tool provides a quick way to pick data of interest out of large files that would otherwise take hours to edit manually. Potentiometric maps are useful to any hydrological investigation because they help one see how the potentiometric surface appears in 3D as opposed to a point measurement at a well bore. However, the user should be cautioned that a potentiometric map drawn by any interpolation method is merely a hypothesis.


  1. Objectives
  2. What is a Potentiometric Map?
  3. Data Collection
  4. Constructing a Map
  5. Applications
  6. Summary and Conclusions
  7. Data Dictionary
  8. Links
  9. References

