Isolation of non-hydrostatic regions within a basin

by Bridget M. Wadzuk and Ben R. Hodges

Wadzuk, B.M. and B.R. Hodges, Isolation of non-hydrostatic regions within a basin, 17th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, June 13-16, 2004, University of Delaware, Newark,, Electronic Proceedings (CD-ROM), 6 pgs.


Modeling of dynamic pressure appears necessary to achieve a more robust simulation of the events within a stratified basin; however, its effects are typically spatially and temporally limited. The overall computational expense associated with the dynamic pressure can be reduced if the non-hydrostatic regions can be identified prior to the dynamic pressure calculation. In this work, we seek to define an appropriate criterion that can be computed from a hydrostatic solution and used as an indicator of the possible magnitude of non-hydrostatic effects.

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©2005 Ben R. Hodges • last updated July 22, 2005

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