Model bathymetry for sinuous, dendritic reservoirs

by Bridget Wadzuk and Ben R. Hodges

Waduzk, B. and B.R. Hodges, “Model bathymetry for sinuous, dendritic reservoirs,” 6th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters,” University of Girona, Catalonia-Spain, 27-29 June 2001, pp. 205-209.


A method for straightening bathymetries is proposed to facilitate a simplified form of threedimensional (3D) modeling in sinuous, dendritic reservoirs. This method neglects the sinuosity of the reservoir, while preserving the 3D topology and the general relationship between water volume in littoral and main basin regions. This approach allows a model to capture the critical 3D effects of shallow littoral regions, while retaining simple Cartesian grids and methods.

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©2003 Ben R. Hodges • last updated August 16, 2003

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