CE 311 K - Syllabus

Introduction to Computer Methods

Instructor: Daene C. McKinney

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to introduce the student to computer methods for the solution of civil engineering problems. This includes:


The student is expected to have a working knowledge of calculus and an introduction to civil or architectural engineering.  Thus, the student must have completed the following University of Texas at Austin courses or their equivalent:

In addition, the student must have completed, or be enrolled in


Required Texts

Recommended Texts

Homework policy

Homework will consist of a combination of (1) laboratory and (2) lecture assignments. Lecture assignments are due at the end of the lecture on the second class day after it is assigned (unless a different time for submission is specified). This schedule is intended to allow you to review the problems as soon as they are assigned and ask any questions between when the assignment is given and the due date.  Laboratory assignments will be assigned and discussed by the teaching assistant in the laboratory sections or in class. Laboratory assignments will be due the next lab period, unless otherwise noted in the assignment.  Assignments and due dates are posted in the syllabus on the World Wide Web at the address:  http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/mckinney/ce311k/assign.html or as modified from time to time by the instructor.  

Homework that is late for any reason will be penalized 50% of the homework grade per day late, provided that it is submitted before the solutions are placed on the web. No credit will be given for homework submitted after solutions are placed on the web. Homework must be neat and must present the solution in an orderly fashion. You should be able to understand your solution six weeks, six months, or six years later. The problem statement need not be copied, but the given and required information should be listed. In many cases, a sketch should be given as part of the solution.  All equations used must be written in general symbol form before specific numerical values are substituted into the equations. All dimensional quantities (in the given information and in the answers) must have the appropriate units given. It is not necessary to give units for every value in the middle part of the computations. Answers must be marked clearlyPoints will be assigned according to:


Attendance is expected and role will be taken. 

Office hours

My office hours are listed on the WWW home page for the course (www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/mckinney/instruct.html). In addition to my posted office hours, I am available at other times to discuss the course material or other topics of interest to students. Please feel free to come to my office, call me on the telephone (471-5644), or send me E-mail: daene@aol.com. Please feel free to send me email at any time. I will respond promptly. 

Exam Policy

There will be exams given in classExam dates and times are listed on the course assignments page. The exams will be open book and notes. You will be required to perform calculus level mathematics on each exam. 

Prior to the end of an exam the time remaining will be announced. You must submit your exam paper at the end of that time. At the end of the exam period the instructor or proctor will leave the room with all submitted exam material. Absolutely no exam material of any kind will be accepted by the instructor or proctor after leaving the exam room.

The dates of exams will beposted on the class website and announced in class.  Students are responsible for informing the instructor of any conflict with this schedule so that, if possible, alternative dates can be agreed upon by the class.

Makeup exams will not be given. Medical illness (or other comparable situation) will be the only excuse for being given credit for a missed exam. If you miss an exam during the semester for a medical reason, you will be assigned a grade for the exam based on the exams which you have taken as follows: A grade for the exam that you missed will be estimated based on how you did on the other exams during the semester relative to the rest of the class. If you miss an exam due to an illness, you will be asked to present definitive evidence that you were, in fact, ill. You must inform the instructor in advance that you are ill, unless there are compelling reasons why you cannot do so. If you miss an exam for reasons other than illness or other valid excuse, you will be assigned a grade of zero.

If, after an exam has been graded and returned, you have questions about the grading of the exam, please write your questions or comments on a separate sheet of paper and turn this in to the instructor with the exam paper. Exam papers will be accepted for re-evaluation for only one week after the exam has been returned because of the difficulty in remembering exactly how partial credit was assigned. 


The basis of grading for this course will consist of the following components with the indicated weights:


Exams:                        50% (2 @ 25% )

Homework:            10%

Laboratory:            20%

Final Project:            20%


Grade Ranges  Letter grades will be assigned as follows:


A       92 – 100%

A-     89 - 91%

B+    86 – 88%

B      82 - 85%

B-     79 - 81%

C+    76 – 78%

C      70 – 75% 

C-     67 - 69%

D+    64 – 66%

D      58 – 63%

D-     55 – 58%

F       < 55%


From time to time it is necessary to assign extra credit problems:


Extra Credit    10% (3 at 3.33% per assignment)

Drop Policy

The standard drop policy is in force.

Course Evaluation

Standard approved MEC form will be used.

Students with Disabilities

The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. Any student with a documented disability (physical or cognitive) who requires academic accommodations should contact the Services for Students with Disabilities area of the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259 as soon as possible to request an official letter outlining authorized accommodations.  For more information, contact that Office, or TDD at 471-4641, or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4321

Web-Based Class Sites

Web-based, password-protected class sites will be associated with all academic courses taught at the University.  Syllabi, handouts, assignments and other resources are types of information that may be available within these sites.  Site activities could include exchanging email, engaging in class discussions and chats, and exchanging files.  In addition, electronic class rosters will be a component of the sites.  Students who do not want their names included in these electronic class rosters must restrict their directory information in the Office of the Registrar, Main Building, Room 1.   For information on restricting directory information, see page 7 of the Course Schedule or  http://www.utexas.edu/student/registrar/catalogs/gi00-01/app/appc09.html. 

Topical Outline

See the WWW home page for the course: http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/mckinney/ce311k/assign.html  

McKinney | CE311K Civil Engineering | UT Austin