To Do List: 6/9/97 - 7/15/97 Done XXXXX write script to allow user to enter branch diameter, slope characteristics for each branch. a) Need to account for scale of map? How to deal with this? Find "to scale" maps of real facilities - paper or digitized. -see Leslie about getting from BP? -talk to Dr. Corsi about making presentation to Shell -ask David about contacting Manny XXXXX Get most recent (final versions) of naUTilus code from David Get/create hypothetical data for BD5 plant (and other plants) XXXXX Run ISBL on BD5 data XXXXX Need to fill in data on Drain.dbf table: write script to prompt for information. Have default drain diameter and leave 0.00 values for Temp, Conc, Flow, etc... at drains with no flow Need to write script to differentiate drains and junctions!!! (ISBL) XXXXX From table already created with script CREATETAB, for for each drop, click on the branch and node, specify data for that drop. (ie Change createtab script so that user can click on node and specify that it is a drop. Add column to feature attribute table of node theme. Create drops.dbf table from data that table.) XXXXX Same as above for drains XXXXX Need to deal with hard pipe connections - write up standard in notation (eventually) Find Antoine's constants (A,B,C) for T in K, giving vapor pressure in mmHg Find numbers for emissions limit (do by risk and exposure)- see a text in Haz. Waste Management Talk to Seann about script which changes directions of lines (using Network extension?). From watershed delineation tool. XXXXX Put new Write statements in ISBL code. XXXXX Resolve issue for OSBL of flow entering directly to nodes. Connect ISBL to OSBL XXXX Devise a script to set up/check for directories, move files Combine scripts which write input with script to run naUTilus (change directories, write file, copy to main dir, run naUTilus, copy output to subdirectory) Change all ISBL scripts so that they find the correct directory and write files to that directory. Create a script that renames the attribute tables for ibranch.shp and inodes.shp so that the names are unique. (Does this need to be done? If scripts are all run from tools from the view being worked with, the GetTheme and GetFtab commands should always find the right ones, BUT if the user wishes to view the data in the FTAB, differentiating each would be difficult.) XXXXX Alter scripts which create new tables to add those tables to the ODB file for the ISBL units. Things to check on: Sealed vs. unsealed in naUTilus code Junctions/nodes/manholes - need to know more about how industrial sewer networks are generally designed Check scripts for hard pipe connections and drops so that not two drops per reach. Can have more than 1 hard pipe connection per node, _but_ no more than 3 inflowing branches to a node.