'---------------------------------------------- '---------Creation Information----------------- '---------------------------------------------- ' 'Name: inflnode 'Author: Cindy How 'Date: 6/25/97 ' '---------------------------------------------- '------------Purpose/Description--------------- '---------------------------------------------- ' 'This script will allow the user to specify 'nodes where flow enters at a node, not through 'a branch. It will flag that node with a '5 in the "Node_Type" field. The script which 'creates the obrtab.dbf file will have to be 'altered to account for this (the script will 'have to add a small, 1m branch at the node, 'note the connectivity, and number the branch). ' 'FOR USE ON OSBL UNITS ' '----------------------------------------------- '-------------------Input----------------------- '----------------------------------------------- ' '1. Node theme - onode.shp '2. Attribute table for the theme nodes ' '----------------------------------------------- '------------------Output----------------------- '----------------------------------------------- ' '1. Flag in "Node_type" field marking nodes ' where inflow occurs directly to the node. ' '----------------------------------------------- '---------Get Initial Information--------------- '----------------------------------------------- TheProject = av.GetProject TheView = av.GetActiveDoc TheTheme= TheView.FindTheme("Onode.shp") TheFtab = TheTheme.GetFtab TheField = TheFtab.FindField("Node_Type") TheFtab.SetEditable(True) '---------------------------------------------- '---------------User prompt-------------------- '---------------------------------------------- 'MsgBox.Info("Click on the node where inflow occurs") NewPt = TheView.GetDisplay.ReturnUserPoint PtOnTheme = Thetheme.FindByPoint(NewPt) If (PtOnTheme.isEmpty) then Msgbox.error("That point is not found, try again","Not found") exit end rec=PtOnTheme.get(0) TheFtab.SetValue(TheField,rec,5) TheFtab.SetEditable(False)