WRAP Record Formats

RECORDS input records

CT Record -- counters
Field Format Description
CT A2 record identifier
NCPTS I6 number of control points
NFD I8 number of FD records
NWP I8 number of WP records
NEV I8  number of control points for which EV records are input
NYRS I8 number of years
FACTOR I8 blank/0 : CPDT multipliers are used by RECORDS
non-zero : multipliers used only in WRAP-SIM

CP Record -- control point information
Field Format Description
CP A2 record identifier
CPID(I,1) A6 control point identifier
CPID(I,2) A8 identifier of next downstream control point
CPDT(I,1) F8.0 blank/0 : default value of 1.0
+ : factor by which IN records are multiplied
CPDT(I,2) F8.0 blank/0 : default value of 1.0
+ : factor by which EV records are multiplied
INWS(I) I4 blank/0 : WP parameters for downstream CP are for total watershed
+ : WP parameters for downstream CP are for incremental watershed
INMETHOD(I) I4 method for obtaining naturalized flows for IN records
0 : flows in put on IN records
1 : flows input on another record used, with CP identifier cited
2 : flows input for another control point are reproduced
3 : flow distribution equation
4 : NRCS method with synthesized flows constrained to not exceed downstream gaged flows
5 : NRCS method without flow limits
- : IN records not generated
CPEV(I) A8 blank : EV records read as input
AN : identifier of control point from which EV records are copied

FD Record -- flow distribution
Field Format Description
FD A2 record identifier
ID A6 control point identifier
IDDS A8 downstream gage CP
ID1 A8 first upstream gage CP
ID2 A8 second upstream gage CP
ID3 A8 third upstream gage CP
ID4 A8 fourth upstream gage CP
NGAGE I8 number of gages above ungaged site
COEF1 F8.5 coefficient a
COEF2 F8.5 coefficient b (default = 1.0)
COEF3 F8.5 coefficient c (default = 0)

WP Record -- watershed parameters
Field Format Description
WP A2 record identifier
ID A6 control point identifier
DA1 F8.2 drainage area (sq. mi.)
CN1 F8.2 curve number
MP1 F8.2 mean precipitation (any units)

IN Record -- naturalized streamflow

1st line :
Field Format Description
IN A2 record identifier
ID A6 control point identifier
PYR I8 year
Q1 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Jan
Q2 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Feb
Q3 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Mar
Q4 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Apr
Q5 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for May
Q6 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Jun

2nd line :
Field Format Description
IN A2 record identifier
6x not used
8x not used
Q7 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Jul
Q8 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Aug
Q9 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Sep
Q10 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Oct
Q11 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Nov
Q12 F8.0 naturalized streamflow for Dec

EV Record -- evaporation rates (same format as IN record)

WRAP-SIM input records

WR Record -- water rights
Field  Format Description
WR A2 record identifier
WRID A6 water right identifier
CP A8 control point identifier
AMT F8.0 annual permitted diversion
USE A8 use type identifier
WRNUM I8 priority number/date
WRNUM I8 model type of water right
RFAC F8.0 return flow factor 
0 : no return flow 
+ : this amount of return flow, returned same month 
- : this amount of return flow, returned next month
RCP A8 control point to return flow to
CP A8 group identifier for water right
IWS I6/F8.5 watershed flow option

TABLES input records

2SCP Record -- control point summary
Field Format Description
CD A4 record identifier, "2SCP"
MNAM I4 0 : annual table 
1 : monthly table 
2 : both annual and monthly tables
NUM I4 0 : develop tables for all control points 
+ : number of control points to follow
IDEN 8A8 identifiers of control points to develop tables for

2SWR Record -- summary of water rights (same format as 2SCP above)

2SRE Record -- summarize reservoir data (same format as 2SCP above, note : you must enter the reservoir name for selected reservoirs, not the control point identifier)

2REL Record -- control point/water right reliability summary