CE 394K.2 Surface Water Hydrology                    Homework #7 Frequency Analysis                            Spring 1999

1.  The attached Excel file Guadalupe.xls (also Guadalupe.csv in comma separated text form) contains the annual maximum flow (cfs) for the Guadalupe River at Victoria for each water year (1 Oct - 30 Sept) from 1935 to 1997.   These data are also stored in the LRC server in \class\maidment\gishydro99\frequency. For these data:

2.  The attached Excel file Austin.xls (also Austin.csv in comma separated text form) contains the annual maximum daily precipitation (in) recorded at Austin airport from 1931 to 1997.  These data are also stored in the LRC server in \class\maidment\gishydro99\frequency.  For these data: This assignment is due in on Tues, April 13