CE 394K.2 Surface Water Hydrology


Hydrologic Modeling Web Sites




Publicly Available Surface Water Modeling Systems


1. Hydrologic Engineering Center, US Army Corps of Engineers



Models:           HEC-HMS  Hydrologic Modeling System

                        HEC-RAS  River Analysis System

                        HEC-FDA Flood Damage Assessment



2. Environmental Protection Agency



Models are contained within a GIS-linked system called Basins (Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources).   GIS database for HUC units in the US linked to:           

HSPF-NPSM  (Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran – Nonpoint Source Modeling)

                        QUAL2E – steady state water quality modeling in rivers

                        Toxiroute – unsteady state water quality routing


Basins 3 is in beta testing and it has the SWAT model in it.


3. EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling



Models:           Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) http://www.epa.gov/ceampubl/swmm.htm

 (see also http://www.ccee.orst.edu/swmm/)  This is a DOS model


4. Blacklands Research Center



Model: Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT).   Continuous hydrologic simulation of water, sediment and chemical movement.  Supported with data for the whole US.


5. US Geological Survey 



Model: Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS)   http://water.usgs.gov/software/prms.html   Continuous simulation of watershed hydrology.  Supported with an extensive GIS preprocessor called Weasel http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/weasel/


Commercially Available Surface Water Modeling Systems


6. Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory, Brigham Young University



Models:           GMS – Groundwater Modeling System

                        WMS – Watershed Modeling System

                        SMS – Surface Water Modeling System


7. Danish Hydraulic Institute



Models:           Mike-11 and Mike-11 GIS Flood management

                        Mike-Basin River Basin Management

                        Mike – SHE Hydrologic Cycle simulation

                        Mouse – Urban Drainage


8.  BOSS International



Provides commercial sales and support for many hydrologic and hydraulic models


Other Modeling Systems of Interest


9. Famine Early Warning System Network



Mozambique flood warning: http://edcnts11.cr.usgs.gov/mozflooding/



Assignment for Tues Jan 23:


Divide up into groups of two people with each group picking a different website.   Prepare a brief presentation to the class with a brief one or two-page handout which describes what modeling systems are available at that site, what problems the models solve and how one might obtain their input data.