CE 394K.3 GIS in Water Resources

Final Exam

Spring Semester 1998

For the final exam, I want you to prepare four typed theme papers, each not more than two pages in length. The four theme papers should be chosen from the following seven subject areas.

  1. Water Quality Modeling: (Ann Quenzer, Tues Apr 7 and Junji Matsumoto, Tues Apr 21)
  2. Spatial Hydrology: (Francisco Olivera, Tues Apr 14 and Seann Reed, Thurs Apr 30)
  3. TINs (David Maidment, Thurs Apr 2) and Remote Sensing (Melba Crawford, Thurs Apr 16)
  4. Term Papers: Surface and Subsurface Representation
  5. Term Papers: Regional Hydrology
  6. Term Papers: Wetlands and Water Quality
  7. Term Papers: Scientific and Planning Studies

In considering your theme papers, please take account of the following issues. I am especially interested in your overall assessment of the use of GIS technology in this subject area.

  1. Goal of the Analysis
  2. Source of the Data
  3. How the data are converted for GIS use
  4. Analysis of the data in GIS
  5. Brief description of an example application
  6. Technology Assessment: advantages and limitations of the approach

Please turn in your completed exam by 5PM on Weds, May 13, to the secretary in the ECJ 8.6 office, or in the box outside my office door in ECJ 8.6. It should be understood that these theme papers represent your work alone and their contents should not be discussed with other students in the class.

I would like to make a copy of your term paper and store it in my Term Paper Library so that future students can see your work and learn from what you did. If you have any objections to my doing that, please let me know.

Contact me if you have any questions: maidment@mail.utexas.edu

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