GIS in Water Resources       Review for Midterm Exam                Fall 2005


The material is classified according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:


Level         Title                      Meaning

1                Knowledge             Definitions, facts, formulas

2                Comprehension      Explanation of definitions, formulas, problem solving procedures

3                Application             Know how to use a formula or procedure to solve simple problems

4                Analysis                  Break down a complex problem and solve by steps

5                Synthesis                Derivation of basic formulas, design of new systems

6                Evaluation               Advantages and limitations of alternative approaches


Session           Topic                                                                                                   Level

1                      Introduction to GIS in Water Resources                                                      2

2                      Introduction to ArcGIS                                                                               2

3                      Exercise 1: Mapping hurricane Katrina                                                        5

4                      Geodesy, Map Projections and Coordinate Systems                                   3

5                      Exercise 2: Building a Watershed Base Map                                                5

6                      Spatial analysis using grids                                                                           4

7                      Exercise 3:  Spatial analysis                                                                         5

8                      Data sources for GIS in water resources                                                     2

9                      Hydronetworks in GIS                                                                                4

10                    Exercise 4: Building an Arc Hydro with time series geodatabase                   5

11                    Watershed and stream network delineation                                                  4

12                    Exercise 5: Watershed and stream network delineation                                4

13                    Advanced terrain analysis concepts                                                             3


Expected Skills

·        Convert degree, minute, second coordinates to decimal degrees, and vice versa

  • Determine the length of a line along a meridian or parallel on a spherical earth and calculate the area of a box defined by meridians and parallels.
  • Determine the size of a DEM cell when projected from lat-long coordinates to Easting and Northing coordinates.
  • Determine the statistics (e.g. average value or sum) of an attribute of a selected set of features satisfying a logical query
  • Be able to take the parameters of a map projection and interpret what they mean (focus on geographic, UTM, Albers and State Plane projections)
  • Know the common national data sources for GIS in Water Resources and their GIS data formats (vector, raster, point, line, polygon etc.)
  • Be able to perform raster calculations for spatial analysis and understand the concepts involved with raster calculation
  • Be able to calculate slope on a DEM
  • Take a small grid of elevation cells and calculate the flow direction and flow accumulation grids
  • Define the watershed of a cell in a DEM grid
  • Derive Geomorphologic and Watershed attributes from a DEM derived drainage network.  These include, channel length, slope, stream order, drainage area, drainage density.
  • Understand the concept of a geometric network and how traces on the network identify upstream and downstream edges and junctions.
  • Understand the feature classes and tables that participate in the Arc Hydro Framework with Time Series schema and how they are interrelated.


Readings from Arc Hydro: GIS in Water Resources



Reference in “Arc Hydro”

1.   Arc Hydro is designed within the ArcGIS geodatabase using ArcObjects as its basic features

Chapter 2, pp. 20-24

2.  All HydroFeatures have a unique HydroID and HydroCode

Chapter 2, pp. 25-26

3.  Arc Hydro framework data model links core water features using geometric and relational connections

Chapter 2, pp.  27-29

4.  More extensive development can be added

Chapter 2, pp. 30- 31

5.  HydroNetwork is a geometric network of HydroEdges and HydroJunctions

Chapter 3, pp. 35-39

6.  Watersheds, Waterbodies and MonitoringPoints are connected to HydroJunctions using HydroID relationships

Chapter 3, pp. 39-41

7.  Upstream and downstream tracing can be done using the HydroNetwork or using NextDownID connectivity

Chapter 3, pp. 41-43

8.   River addressing can be performed using linear referencing to create events on the HydroNetwork

Chapter 3, pp. 44-47

9.   Terrain analysis can be used to trace the path of water movement over the landscape

Chapter 4, pp. 56-59

10.  Catchments and watersheds can be derived from the DEM in a formalized way

Chapter 4, pp. 60-62

11.  Watershed and terrain information is available at a variety of spatial scales

Chapter 4, pp. 63-67

12.  Catchments and stream networks are derived from the DEM using the 8-direction pour point model

Chapter 4, pp. 68-75

13.  Watersheds can be delineated from a set of points on the stream network

Chapter 4, pp. 76-81

14.  Watersheds can be used for hydrologic analysis

Chapter 4, pp. 82-84

15.  Hydrography is the “blue lines” on maps and is represented in the National Hydrography Dataset

Chapter 6, pp. 118-122

16.  Water resources observational data can be stored as time series in Arc Hydro

Chapter 7, pp. 142-146

17.  An Arc Hydro time series has a data value indexed by its spatial feature, type of data, and time of measurement

Chapter 7, pp. 147-154

18.  The Arc Hydro framework schema can be extended to relate MonitoringPoints to TimeSeries

Chapter 7, pp. 154-160