CE 394K.3 GIS in Water Resources

Fall Semester 2005

University of Texas at Austin

Instructor: David R. Maidment



Course Videos are viewable on the website at http://utwired.engr.utexas.edu/cms/index.cfm


Course Syllabus: syllabus.htm



Term Paper Library: http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/maidment/giswr2004/docs/termpaper.htm


Utah State University Site: http://ceefs2.cee.usu.edu/giswr


Setting up your course web site: https://webspace.utexas.edu/


 Session 1 (Thurs, 1 September): Introduction to GIS in Water Resources.  Review the course curriculum, course outline.  Lecture slides: lecture12005.ppt