' '---------------------------- '--- Creation information --- '---------------------------- ' 'Name: balconp.ave 'Version: 1.0 'Date: 01/11/97 'Author: Ferdi Hellweger ' Center for Research in Water Resources ' The University of Texas at Austin ' ferdi@crwr.utexas.edu ' '--------------------------- '--- Purpose/Description --- '--------------------------- ' 'This is for configuring plotting. ' while (true) ' '--------------------------------------- '--- Find out what needs configuring --- '--------------------------------------- ' choices = list.make choices = choices.add("Flux Vectors") choices = choices.add("Flux Vector Locations") choices = choices.add("Flux Vector Scales") choices = choices.add("Flux Vector Colors") choices = choices.add("Load Points") choices = choices.add("Load Point Locations") choices = choices.add("Load Point Scale") choices = choices.add("Load Point Colors") choices = choices.add("Exit") ' mychoice = msgbox.listasstring(choices, "Configure", "BALANCE") if (mychoice = nil) then exit end ' '--- Flux Vectors --- ' if (mychoice = "Flux Vectors") then ' labels = list.make labels = labels.add("Plot Flow Flux, q") labels = labels.add("Plot Advective Flux, fad") labels = labels.add("Plot Diffusive Flux, q") ' defaults = list.make defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pq)) defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pfad)) defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pfdi)) ' inputs = msgbox.multiinput(mychoice, "BALANCE", labels, defaults) if (inputs.count = 0) then exit end ' pq = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(0)) if (pq = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(0) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end pfad = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(1)) if (pfad = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(1) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end pfdi = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(2)) if (pfdi = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(2) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end ' _pq = pq _pfad = pfad _pfdi = pfdi ' end ' '--- Flux Vector Locations --- ' if (mychoice = "Flux Vector Locations") then ' labels = list.make labels = labels.add("Flow Flux Location (0-1)") labels = labels.add("Advective Flux Location (0-1)") labels = labels.add("Diffusive Flux Location (0-1)") ' defaults = list.make defaults = defaults.add(_pql.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pfadl.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pfdil.asstring) ' inputs = msgbox.multiinput(mychoice, "BALANCE", labels, defaults) if (inputs.count = 0) then exit end ' _pql = inputs.get(0).asnumber _pfadl = inputs.get(1).asnumber _pfdil = inputs.get(2).asnumber ' end ' '--- Flux Vector Scales --- ' if (mychoice = "Flux Vector Scales") then ' labels = list.make labels = labels.add("1/10th Window Size Flow " + _qlab + " (0 = max)") labels = labels.add("1/10th Window Size Load " + _wlab + " (0 = max)") ' defaults = list.make defaults = defaults.add(_pqs.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pfs.asstring) ' inputs = msgbox.multiinput(mychoice, "BALANCE", labels, defaults) if (inputs.count = 0) then exit end ' _pqs = inputs.get(0).asnumber _pfs = inputs.get(1).asnumber ' end ' '--- Flux Vector Colors --- ' if (mychoice = "Flux Vector Colors") then ' labels = list.make labels = labels.add("Flow Flux Color") labels = labels.add("Advective Flux Color") labels = labels.add("Diffusive Flux Color") ' defaults = list.make defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pqc)) defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pfadc)) defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pfdic)) ' inputs = msgbox.multiinput(mychoice, "BALANCE", labels, defaults) if (inputs.count = 0) then exit end ' pqc = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(0)) if (pqc = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(0) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end pfadc = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(1)) if (pqc = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(1) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end pfdic = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(2)) if (pqc = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(0) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end _pqc = pqc _pfadc = pfadc _pfdic = pfdic ' end ' '--- Load Points --- ' if (mychoice = "Load Points") then ' labels = list.make labels = labels.add("Plot Nonpoint Runoff Load, wnp") labels = labels.add("Plot Atmospheric Load, wat") labels = labels.add("Plot Sediment Load, wse") labels = labels.add("Plot Other Load, wot") labels = labels.add("Plot Advective Load, wad") labels = labels.add("Plot Diffusive Load, wdi") labels = labels.add("Plot Decay Load, wd") ' defaults = list.make efaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pwnp)) defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pwat)) defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pwse)) defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pwot)) defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pwad)) defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pwdi)) defaults = defaults.add(_yesnodict2.get(_pwd)) ' inputs = msgbox.multiinput(mychoice, "BALANCE", labels, defaults) if (inputs.count = 0) then exit end ' pwnp = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(0)) if (pwnp = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(0) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end pwat = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(1)) if (pwat = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(1) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end pwse = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(2)) if (pwse = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(2) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end pwot = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(3)) if (pwot = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(3) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end pwad = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(4)) if (pwad = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(4) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end pwdi = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(5)) if (pwdi = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(5) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end pwd = _yesnodict1.get(inputs.get(6)) if (pwd = nil) then msgbox.error("Response " + inputs.get(6) + " not valid", "BALANCE") exit end ' _pwnp = pwnp _pwat = pwat _pwse = pwse _pwot = pwot _pwad = pwad _pwdi = pwdi _pwd = pwd ' end ' '--- Load Point Locations --- ' if (mychoice = "Load Point Locations") then ' labels = list.make labels = labels.add("Nonpoint Runoff Load Location") labels = labels.add("Atmospheric Load Location") labels = labels.add("Sediment Load Location") labels = labels.add("Other Load Location") labels = labels.add("Advective Load Location") labels = labels.add("Diffusive Load Location") labels = labels.add("Decay Load Location") ' defaults = list.make defaults = defaults.add(_pwnpl.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pwatl.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pwsel.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pwotl.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pwadl.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pwdil.asstring) defaults = defaults.add(_pwdl.asstring) ' inputs = msgbox.multiinput(mychoice +" (-180 to 180, N = 0)", "BALANCE", labels, defaults) if (inputs.count = 0) then exit end ' _pwnpl = inputs.get(0).asnumber _pwatl = inputs.get(1).asnumber _pwsel = inputs.get(2).asnumber _pwotl = inputs.get(3).asnumber _pwadl = inputs.get(4).asnumber _pwdil = inputs.get(5).asnumber _pwdl = inputs.get(6).asnumber ' end ' '--- Load Point Scale --- ' if (mychoice = "Load Point Scale") then ' label = "1/100th Window Size Load " + _wlab + " (0 = max)" ' default = _pws.asstring ' input = msgbox.input(label, "BALANCE", default) if (input = nil) then exit end ' _pws = input.asnumber ' end ' '--- Load Point Colors --- ' if (mychoice = "Load Point Colors") then ' labels = list.make labels = labels.add("Nonpoint Runoff Load Color") labels = labels.add("Atmospheric Load Color") labels = labels.add("Sediment Load Color") labels = labels.add("Other Load Color") labels = labels.add("Advective Load Color") labels = labels.add("Diffusive Load Color") labels = labels.add("Decay Load Color") ' defaults = list.make defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pwnpc)) defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pwatc)) defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pwsec)) defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pwotc)) defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pwadc)) defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pwdic)) defaults = defaults.add(_colordict2.get(_pwdc)) ' inputs = msgbox.multiinput(mychoice, "BALANCE", labels, defaults) if (inputs.count = 0) then exit end ' pwnpc = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(0)) if (pwnpc = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(0) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end pwatc = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(1)) if (pwatc = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(1) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end pwsec = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(2)) if (pwsec = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(2) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end pwotc = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(3)) if (pwotc = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(3) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end pwadc = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(4)) if (pwadc = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(4) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end pwdic = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(5)) if (pwdic = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(5) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end pwdc = _colordict1.get(inputs.get(6)) if (pwdc = nil) then msgbox.error("Color " + inputs.get(6) + " not found", "BALANCE") exit end ' _pwnpc = pwnpc _pwatc = pwatc _pwsec = pwsec _pwotc = pwotc _pwadc = pwadc _pwdic = pwdic _pwdc = pwdc ' end ' ' '--- Exit --- ' if (mychoice = "Exit") then exit end ' end ' '----------- '--- End --- '----------- '