' '---------------------------- '--- Creation information --- '---------------------------- ' 'Name: pickload.ave 'Version: 1.0 'Date: 02/11/97 'Author: Ferdi Hellweger ' Center for Research in Water Resources ' The University of Texas at Austin ' ferdi@crwr.utexas.edu ' '--------------------------- '--- Purpose/Description --- '--------------------------- ' 'This program picks up the nonpoint source load for each polygon from 'a nonpoint source load (weighted flow accumulation) grid with the 'cellvalue request. The nonpoint source load is written to the wnp 'field in the polygon attribute table. ' '--------------------------------------------- '--- Check if units configuration happened --- '--------------------------------------------- ' ' '---------------- '--- Get view --- '---------------- ' theview = av.getactivedoc vgraphics = theview.getgraphics ' '------------------ '--- Get themes --- '------------------ ' theactivethemes = theview.getactivethemes if (theactivethemes.count = 0) then msgbox.error("No active themes found", "PICKLOAD") exit end if (theactivethemes.count = 1) then msgbox.error("Only one active theme found", "PICKLOAD") exit end if (theactivethemes.count > 2) then msgbox.error("Too many active themes found", "PICKLOAD") exit end if (theactivethemes.count = 2) then gfound = false pfound = false for each activetheme in theactivethemes if (activetheme.getclass.getclassname = "gtheme") then thegtheme = activetheme gfound = true end if (activetheme.getclass.getclassname = "ftheme") then theptheme = activetheme pfound = true end end end if (not gfound) then msgbox.error("One theme needs to be a grid theme", "PICKLOAD") exit end if (not pfound) then msgbox.error("One theme needs to be a polygon theme", "PICKLOAD") exit end ' '--------------------- '--- Set up themes --- '--------------------- ' 'grid theme ' thegrid = thegtheme.getgrid ' 'check below causes error crash for some reason ' 'if (thegrid = nil) then ' msgbox.error("Can't open grid theme","PICKLOAD") ' exit 'end thecellsize = thegrid.getcellsize ' 'polygon theme ' pftab = theptheme.getftab if (pftab = nil) then msgbox.error("Can't open polygon theme","PICKLOAD") exit end ' pshapef = pftab.findfield("shape") if (pshapef = nil) then msgbox.error("Can't find 'shape' field in polygon theme","PICKLOAD") exit end ' wnpf = pftab.findfield("wnp") if (wnpf = nil) then addfield = msgbox.yesno("Can't find 'wnp' field in polygon theme. Add it?","PICKLOAD", true) if (addfield) then pftab.seteditable(true) wnpf = field.make("wnp", #FIELD_DECIMAL, 16, 4) pftab.addfields({wnpf}) pftab.seteditable(false) else exit end end ' '----------------- '--- Calculate --- '----------------- ' 'Note that due to instabilities in the flowaccumulation algorithm 'at sinks the wnp load can not be simply picked of the grid at the 'centroid (the sink). The wnp load is the integral of the grid 'values on a 5x5 box around the centroid. This assumes that the 'flow is directly to the centroid and not around the perimeter of 'the box. Observations support this assumption. The flow direction 'grid could be used to check and/or modify the algorithm. ' '--- Initial set up --- ' 'make polygon attribute table editable ' pftab.seteditable(true) ' '--- Loop --- ' for each prec in pftab ' 'get centroid ' pshape = pftab.returnvalue(pshapef, prec) cenp = pshape.returncenter cenx = cenp.getx ceny = cenp.gety ' 'plot centroid ' cengs = graphicshape.make(cenp) vgraphics.add(cengs) ' 'check if centroid is in polygon ' inside = cenp.iscontainedin(pshape) if (not inside) then msgbox.error("Polygon centroid not inside polygon", "PICKLOAD") end ' 'get wnp ' wnp = 0 ' pickx = cenx + (0 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (1 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (1 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (0 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (-1 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (-2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (1 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (-2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (0 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (-2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (-1 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (-2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (-2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (-2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (-2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (-1 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (-2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (0 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (-2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (1 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (-2 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' pickx = cenx + (-1 * thecellsize) picky = ceny + (2 * thecellsize) pickp = point.make(pickx, picky) wnpi = thegtheme.returncellvalue(pickp) wnp = wnp + wnpi.clone ' 'write wnp to polygon attribute table ' pftab.setvalue(wnpf, prec, wnp) ' end ' 'make polygon attribute table non editable ' pftab.seteditable(false) ' 'final message to user ' message = "Nonpoint Source Load, wnp picked" msgbox.info(message,"PICKLOAD") ' '----------- '--- End --- '----------- '