GISHydro97 - Loads

Pollution Loading Module

Center for Research in Water Resources , The University of Texas at Austin


Pollutant loads are obtained by multiplying flows found with GH-Flow by Expected Mean Concentration estimates.

GH-Loads is a series of Avenue scripts prepared by Ferdinand Hellweger and Ann Quenzer to describe the movement of pollutant loads over the landscape and their connection with segments of a receiving water body.

The exercise begins by connecting the river network with the bay system. A runoff grid is calculated by inserting a precipitation grid into a series of runoff equations calculated in Seann Reed's research entitled Spatial Water Balance of Texas. The land uses are associated with a Expected Mean Concentration (EMC) value in the runoff. A EMC grid is calculated and multiplied with the runoff grid to produce a land surface loading grid. A weighted flow accumulation is calculated using the loadings grid as the weight grid to determine the nonpoint source loadings to the river network and bay system.

Resources on this CD:




Agrichemical Transport in Midwest Rivers

This section of the material documents the PhD dissertation of Pawel Mizgalewicz which is reproduced on GISHydro97 as CRWR Online Report 96-6. This research is aimed at generalizing the results of small watershed scale water quality research to the river basin scale by providing a map-based simulation model for monthly flows, concentrations and loads. The application region for this methodology is the Iowa-Cedar Basin in the Midwestern United States.

Resources on the Internet


Primary Contact

Ann Quenzer
Center for Research in Water Resources
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX, 78712


These materials may be used for study, research, and education, but please credit the authors and the Center for Research in Water Resources, The University of Texas at Austin. All commercial rights reserved. Copyright 1997 Center for Research in Water Resources.