Screen Capture Crash Course

Following are step-by-step instructions to go from what's on the screen to .gif file format. The instructions are written for PCs in the LRC. There are several different alternatives to accomplish this task. This is one way that works.

  1. Go to a PC.
  2. Bring up what you want to have in the figure. Keep in mind that the size of the figure will stay the same. It is possible to resize pictures, but that usually distorts them.
  3. Hold down the Ctrl key and hit the 'Print Screen' key. This puts the screen as a bitmap onto the clipboard.
  4. Open Paintbrush from the Accessories program group in the Program Manager.
  5. Choose Paste from the Edit pull down menu.
  6. Highlight the scissors tool and mark the area of interest.
  7. Choose Copy from the Edit pull down menu. This puts the area of interest as a bitmap onto the clipboard.
  8. Choose New from the File pull down menu.
  9. Choose Paste from the Edit pull down menu.
  10. Choose Save from the File pull down menu and save the file as a .bmp.
  11. Open Lview from the File Manager (g:\class\maidment\util\lviewp1b.exe).
  12. Open the.bmp file in Lview.
  13. Save the file as a .gif.
  14. This file can be referenced in an html file. To see how this is done simply go to Netscape, find a web page with a picture, and choose View Source.