CE 374K   Hydrology            Homework #4                         Spring 2004


Problems from text


(1)  3.5.1   Evaporation by Priestley-Taylor method


(2)  3.6.3   Evaporation by several methods


(3)  4.1.2   Soil water movement


(4)  Soil water parameterization.


The relationship between the suction head, ψ, the moisture content, θ, and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity K can be described by the Van Genuchten equations:




The follow parameters were measured at site Bosque del Apache South on the Rio Grande River, for upper most layer of a silty sand soil:


Ks = 2 x 10-4 cm/s

θr = 0.0450

a = 0.00497

n = 2.12901

m = 1 – (1/n)

f = 0.3782


Determine and plot the functions ψ versus θ, and K versus θ, for the range θr < θ < f.  This corresponds, approximately, to the range 1 < ψ < 1000 cm.



(5)  Text problem 4.3.3 on the Green-Ampt method