GIS in Water Resources         Review for Midterm Exam              Fall 2011


The material is classified according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:


Level         Title                      Meaning

1                Knowledge           Definitions, facts, formulas

2                Comprehension     Explanation of definitions, formulas, problem solving procedures

3                Application           Know how to use a formula or procedure to solve simple problems

4                Analysis                Break down a complex problem and solve by steps

5                Synthesis               Derivation of basic formulas, design of new systems

6                Evaluation             Advantages and limitations of alternative approaches


Session            Topic                                                                                                  Level

1                      Introduction to GIS in Water Resources                                                  2

2                      Introduction to ArcGIS software                                                             2

3                      Exercise 1: Introduction to ArcGIS                                                         3

4                      Data sources for GIS in water resources                                                  2

5                      Exercise 2: Building a Base Map for the San Marcos Basin                    3

6                      Geodesy, Map Projections and Coordinate Systems                                4

7                      Spatial analysis using grids                                                                       4

8                      Exercise 3:  Spatial analysis                                                                      5

9                      DEM’s, watershed and stream network delineation                                4

10                    Exercise 4: Watershed and stream network delineation                           5

11                    Ex4 Continued, Hydro Networks                                                            2

12                    Hydro Networks and their applications                                                    2               


Expected Skills

·         Convert degree, minute, second coordinates to decimal degrees, and vice versa


Readings from ArcGIS Desktop Help for Version 10


(1)  Georeferencing and Coordinate Systems (Level 3)

(2)  Map Projections ) (Level 4)

(3)  Geographic information Elements:  up to "Example: Representing surfaces" (Level 2)

 (4)  Raster Data  Raster and Images, starting from "What is raster data" to end of "Raster dataset attribute tables" in "Fundamentals of raster data" (Level 3)

(5)  Slope . (Level 4)

(6) Hydrology tools (Level 5)  to end of Hydrologic analysis sample applications in the Hydrology toolset concepts

(7) Geometric Networks (Level 2) 

(8) Linear Referencing (Level 2)