CE 394K.3 GIS in Water Resources            Review for Midterm Exam                Fall 2001


The material is classified according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:


Level         Title                      Meaning

1                Knowledge             Definitions, facts, formulas

2                Comprehension      Explanation of definitions, formulas, problem solving procedures

3                Application             Know how to use a formula or procedure to solve simple problems

4                Analysis                  Break down a complex problem and solve by steps

5                Synthesis                Derivation of basic formulas, design of new systems

6                Evaluation               Advantages and limitations of alternative approaches


Session           Topic                                                                                                   Level

1                      Introduction to GIS in Water Resources                                                2

2                      Introduction to ArcGIS                                                                         5

3                      Exercise 1: Introduction to ArcGIS                                                       3

4                      GIS Data Sources for Water Resources                                                3

5                      Exercise 2: Building a Watershed Base Map                                          3

6                      Geodesy, Map Projections and Coordinate Systems                             5

7                      Exercise 3: Map Projections and Coordinate Systems                           4

8                      Network modeling in GIS                                                                     5

9                      Exercise 4: NHD and Networks in ArcGIS                                           3

10                    Grid-based modeling with Digital Elevation Models                               5

11                    Exercise 5: Watershed and stream network delineation                          3

12                    Triangulated Irregular Networks                                                            4

13                    Floodplain mapping using TIN’s                                                            2


Readings in “Modeling our World”

Chapter 1         Object Modeling and Geodatabases, (especially pp. 1-9)                      2

Chapter 2         How maps inform (especially pp. 26-29)                                               2

Chapter 3         GIS Data Representations (especially pp. 51-59)                                  3

Chapter 4         Structure of Geographic Data  (especially pp. 62-65, 72-73)                 4

Chapter 8         Linear Modeling with Networks (especially p.132, 139-144)                5

Chapter 9         Cell Based Modeling with Rasters (especially p. 152-157)                    5

Chapter 10       Surface Modeling with TINs  (especially p. 162-168)                            5



What is ArcGIS                                                                                                            2

Adaptive Tesselation Method for Creating TIN’s from GIS data                                    2


ArcGIS Hydro Data Model

Chapter 3                     Hydro Network (especially pp. 8-12)                                       5

Chapter 4                     Drainage Systems  (especially pp. 12-14)                                  5         

Chapter 5                     River Channels                                                                         2


Expected Skills


·        Convert degree, minute, second coordinates to decimal degrees, and vice versa


You can bring a 1-page review sheet to the exam, 8.5” x 11”, with whatever review notes you want written on it (both sides if necessary!).   The exam will otherwise be closed book.